
About Gyaneshwar

It is difficult to pinpoint who exactly Gyaneshwar was. He had so many talents in himself, that it is not easy to explain his contribution to the Indian culture in a single sentence. He was a poet, an intellectual, a spiritual leader, a master of yoga and an Enlightened One. As we move on further with Gyaneshwar Biography, you will be able to see the many faucets of his personality more clearly.

Early Life

Gyaneshwar was born in the year 1271 in a small village near the Godavari River. His father, Vithalpant, found married life annoying and deserted his wife to seek refuge in the holy city of Benaras. However, the Guru who had initiated him came to know about his wife and sent him back to his village. Later, four children were born to them. The first was Nvrittinath, then Gyaneshwar (in 1271), another boy Sopana and a daughter Muktabai. All the siblings became great spiritual leaders in their might. Read on further to know more about the life history of Gyaneshwar…


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