Krishnananda Saraswati

About Krishnananda Saraswati

Swami Krishnananda (April 25, 1922 – November 23, 2001) was a Hindu saint. He was a disciple of Swami Sivananda and served as the General Secretary of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh, India from 1958 until 2001. Author of more than 200 texts, and lecturing extensively, on yoga, religion, and metaphysics, Krishnananda was a prolific theologian and philosopher.

Krishnananda was President of the Sivananda Literature Research Institute and the Sivananda Literature Dissemination Committee. He served as editor of the Divine Life Society’s monthly paper, Divine Life, for 20 years.


Krishnananda taught and practiced Yoga of Synthesis, a method of yoga he learned directly from Sivananda. It combines the four main paths of the discipline - Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Jnana Yoga.

Krishnananda's approach to yoga was ultimately that of the integral Yoga of Synthesis, but due to his prolificacy as a theologian and philosopher, he is widely known as a jnana yogi. Jnana yoga or "path of knowledge" is one of the types of yoga mentioned in Hindu philosophies.


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